March 05, 2025

What is financing purchasing pow...

What is financing purchasing power?

Financing purchasing power is the maximum amount that an investor can use to purchase financing securities in his or her financing account. This purchasing power is usually the total amount of cash in the account plus the maximum amount that can be borrowed from the brokerage firm. In First Securities, financing purchasing power is usually twice the investor's cash.

What is the difference between A wheel and A+ wheel?

Round A: After 1 year, the company received the A round. At this time, the company's MAU (monthly active users) reached 500,000 people, the ARPU (single user contribution) was 0 yuan, and the revenue was 0. Round A+: After the A round, the company's users developed rapidly. After 1 year, the company's MAU reached 5 million people, and the ARPU was 1 yuan.

What's the best for listed companies?

Benefits of listing of a company
Original shareholders and actual operators can share business risks and interests with backward investors through listing
Stocks for banknotes, so that the original shareholders and actual operators of the company can obtain actual wealth through public transactions
After the company goes public, the cost of resources of all parties is reduced, and the internal control system is relatively sound and the degree of corporate governance is improved, and the operating risks are reduced
More projects...•

Where to buy Hong Kong fine products?

1. Tung Chung Tung Huicheng Mingdian Cang Outlet: The most famous brand Outlet. ...
2. Kwai Chung Florence Town Outlet: The style is new and concentrated...
3. Xinghua New Town Outlet: Sports fans must visit Outlet. ...
4. Haiyi Peninsula Outlet: The shopping paradise for famous brand enthusiasts ...
5. Ap Lei Chau Prada outlet: Prada fans' treasure hunting place (closed)

Who is the seller of the option?

In option trading, the party that purchases the option is called the buyer, and the party that sells the option is called the seller. The buyer is the holder of the right and obtains the right by paying a certain fee (option fee or premium) to the seller of the option and has the right to buy or sell the agreed amount of the underlying securities at the agreed price at the agreed time. Therefore, the buyer is also called the right party.

What are Class B stocks?

Class B common stock is a type of stock that has specific characteristics and interests in the company's equity structure. Compared with the common Class A common stock, Class B common stock usually has differences in voting rights, dividend distribution, equity transfer, etc. The characteristics of Class B common stock may include the following aspects: First, in terms of voting rights, Class B common stock may have higher voting weight.

1 What is the Unit?

In the Malaysian stock market, a stock is called "1 Lot" = 100 shares (100 unit). For example, the current Genting stock price is RM4.66, and you buy a stock (RM4.66 x 100 = RM466).澳洲成立公司

Who invented economics?

Modern economics was laid by the 1776 work by Adam Smith, the father of economics. Generally speaking, modern economics can be divided into microeconomics and macroeconomics.上市要求

Is 17,000 white blood cells considered high?

A healthy adult has a normal range of leukocyte counts between about 4400 and 11,000 per microliter (uL) and is defined as excessive leukocytes when the value exceeds 11 x 103/uL (i.e. 11,000 per microliter).

Can Gemini upload pdf?

.02.20. Update: You can upload multiple Google files, PDFs and Word files directly from Google Drive or device to Gemini, quickly obtain summary, personalized reply, and practical insights.

Posted by: longac at 10:22 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 605 words, total size 4 kb.

February 24, 2025

How thick is the prism cell?

How thick is the prism cell?

Compared to pouch cells, the prism cell is thicker (dimensions 173 mm x 125 mm x 45 mm) and has a stiff case (made of 1.1 mm thick aluminum).

What is an example of a prism joint?

To resist rotation, prism joints can be formed with polygonal cross sections. Examples include dovetail joints and linear bearings.

What is the difference between a battery cell and a pack?

The manufacture of battery cells compared to battery packs or modules is two very different industrial processes. The production of battery cells is primarily a chemical process, while the production of modules and packs is a mechanical assembly process. Batteries are sometimes called cells, modules, or packs.

How do you fix a bloated LifePO4 battery?

A mildly inflated battery can compress the battery or try to rebalance the charge to eliminate inflation. However, heavy swelling batteries are extremely dangerous and should be considered replaced.

What is the function of the prism layer?

Prism Layer

The central layer adds stability and strength to the shell, supporting the outer and inner layers. It does not touch the clams directly or touches the outer elements of the water. The sole purpose of the middle layer is to add strength and support to the remaining shell. prismatic cell assembly

Do I need to compress LifePO4 PRISM cells?

The LifePo4 battery will peel off during the work process. Delamination increases battery size and reduces capacity. It applies pressure to the battery cells to prevent peeling and extends the life of the battery cycle.

Do I need to compress the prism cell?

All other types of cells require compression, except for burly, cylindrical cells. So yes, the prism cell in the case of plastic cases or aluminum requires compression.

How many years does an LFP battery last?

- If properly maintained, a 10-year battery can last 5-10 years. Please note that lithium iron phosphate batteries last longer based on maintenance. In general, extreme overcharging is required to avoid deterioration in performance. Otherwise, the battery will be packaged faster than expected. battery machine

What is the difference between a rotary and a prism?

Joints are usually rotated (rotating) or linear (prism). A rotating joint is like a hinge, allowing relative rotation between two links. The prism joint allows for linear relative motion between two links.

Posted by: longac at 11:59 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 397 words, total size 3 kb.

November 19, 2024

What is the difference between I...

What is the difference between IT specialist and system analyst?

While an IT analyst is responsible for understanding the business and technology needs of an organization and providing solutions that meet those needs and an IT specialist has specialized knowledge in a specific area of IT and is responsible for implementing and maintaining specific systems, networks or applications.


今天來介紹「PM/產品經理/Product Manager 」這個職務,產品經理/產品企劃,在市場上待遇相對優渥,看似管理著產品與一整支團隊的運作,卻又並非上司與下屬的管理層級關係,不僅掌握了產品的長相,調性與走向,還肩負著產品的上線,營運與成敗大任.如何寫cv


ソフトウェア業は,日本標準産業分類において, 「情報通信業」 (大分類)の中の「情報サービス 業」(中分類)のひとつで,ソフトウェア業の中でも「受託開発ソフトウェア業」「組込みソフト ウェア業」「パッケージソフトウェア業」 「ゲームソフトウェア業」に区分されています. 創業時に,特に資格は必要ありません.





What is the next position after system analyst?

The most common career steps after Senior Systems Analyst are Consultant, Project Manager and Senior Engineer. While Consultant isn't from the Systems job family, there are common paths within the same discipline as Senior Systems Analyst shown by Project Manager also being a next career step Jobtrees users are taking.


年度 IT業界離職率 全体離職率(産業計)
令和3年度(2021年度) 9.1% 13.9%
令和2年度(2020年度) 9.2% 14.2%
令和元年度(2019年度) 9.6% 15.6%
平成30年度(2018年度) 12.9% 14.6%
尚有 1 列•it行業


未経験の場合,最初は250-300万円からスタートし,20代後半から30代では500万円-600万円,40代管理職では600-800万円程度と,キャリアを積み立場が変わるに従って年収は増加していく傾向にあります. ただし,マーケティングリサーチャーの給料は企業によって大きな幅があります.

What is the difference between a systems analyst and a business analyst?

That's the difference between the two roles. That business analyst role being more business focused on the business process side, and the systems analyst role being more technically focused on the technical side.

mis 甚麼意思?

管理資訊系統(Management Information System,MIS)是一個以人為主導的,利用電腦硬體,軟體和網路裝置,進行資訊的收集,傳遞,儲存,加工,整理的系統,以提高組織的經營效率. 管理資訊系統是有別於一般的資訊系統,因為它們都是用來分析其它資訊系統在組織的業務活動中的應用.面試成功

Posted by: longac at 02:50 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 212 words, total size 5 kb.

November 14, 2024

What are the safest foods for do...

What are the safest foods for dogs?

Safe human foods for dogs include lean meats (without bones or skin), fresh vegetables (cooked or steamed), fresh fruits, and boiled white rice.

Can I eat dry dog food?

Although most dog food contains the same basic components that are in people food - protein, carbohydrates and fats - the proportions of these ingredients are different than in human food and can be harmful if ingested in significant quantities or for prolonged periods of time.

What is the most common animal feed?

While [cereal grains"-grains such as barley, sorghum, and oats-are also used for animal feed, corn is by far the number one feed grain used in the US, accounting for more than 95% of total feed grain production.

Are Muslims allowed to eat McDonald's fries?

Short answer is No. There's natural beef flavoring used in making them.

Can I give cat food to my dog?

Dogs with sensitive stomachs might suffer from GI upset, diarrhea, and vomiting after eating cat food. Small amounts of cat food given on occasion should not cause any harm to healthy adult dogs, but if fed regularly, it can cause pancreatitis, obesity, and other health issues.

What vegetables can dogs eat every day?

Vegetables that dogs can eat
Peas. Green peas are a completely safe and delicious addition to your dog's meals. ...
Sweet potato. These root vegetables produce one of the best dietary sources of vitamin A, which can help to support your dog's immune system. ...
Beans. ...
Carrots. ...
Cabbage. ...

Is it better to feed cats wet or dry food?

"Dry food is more affordable and easier to store and use, especially if cats are free-fed." You can also feed your cat a mix of these two types of food. "Wet food, dry food, or a combination of both are all viable options for your cat, as long as they are happily eating and maintaining a lean body condition," says Dr.西莎有毒

Are eggs bad for dogs?

Eggs are not only a perfectly safe food source for dogs – they offer much in the way of nutritional benefits. Aside from being rich in protein, eggs are also a great source of linoleic acid, Vitamin B2 and B12 and water-soluble Vitamin A – all of which are wonderful for your dog's skin and coat.

Can dogs eat pet food?

Dogs can eat cat food in a pinch, but it's best to avoid making it a routine part of your dog's diet. Cats and dogs have different nutritional requirements, so feeding your pooch cat food on a regular basis can cause long-term issues for your dog's health.

Can I mix dry and wet cat food?

For most cats, yes! It's perfectly fine to feed a combination of wet and dry cat foods. Many cat owners do this as a cost effective way to offer a nutritional diet with new tastes and a moisture boost.

Posted by: longac at 01:25 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 496 words, total size 3 kb.

October 29, 2024

Why shouldn\ t you eat after 7pm...

Why shouldn't you eat after 7pm?

[Eating close to bedtime or before lying down significantly increases GERD or acid reflux, so for this reason I don't recommend it," gastroenterologist Caroline Soyka, DO, told Health. If acid reflux tends to disrupt your sleep, it's a good idea to stick to an eating cutoff hour on the earlier side.

What is a dangerously low amount of calories?

Although the total number of calories can vary from diet to diet, eating fewer than 1200 calories is risky. When you limit your diet and eat fewer than 1200 calories per day, you usually do not get enough nutrients. You are not getting enough carbohydrates, proteins or fats.

Is pasta bad for weight loss?

Dietitians and other health care professionals should consider pasta as a low-glycemic carbohydrate option within the context of a healthy diet or a weight loss/weight maintenance diet.

How to lose 10 kg in a month?

Drink enough and right water. ...
Adjust the protein content of each serving. ...
Limit the amount of carbs in the body. ...
Do exercises to burn fat. ...
Add more fiber in each meal. ...
Create a scientific sleep schedule. ...
Always stay consistent in your weight loss plan even when you're at the most difficult stage.
More items...

How can I lose 5kg in 7 days?

Ways to lose 5 kg in a week
Eat Small Meals. Consuming smaller, frequent daily meals is a beneficial weight loss strategy. ...
Drink a Lot of Water. ...
30 Mins Cardio Every Day. ...
Reduce Sodium Intake. ...
Perform Strength-Training Exercises Twice a Week. ...
Limiting Calories. ...
Eat Enough Protein & Carbs. ...
Quality Sleep.
More items...•

How to lose belly fat overnight easy trick?

4 Proven Ways to Lose Belly Fat Overnight
Don't Eat Before Bed. There is evidence that eating before bed isn't bad for you. ...
Eat More Fiber. Fiber-rich foods are excellent for weight loss. ...
Avoid Processed Foods. Processed foods often have high levels of sugar, sodium, and fat. ...
Do Something Physical.低卡菜單減肥

Can taking hot water reduce tummy?

Yes, irrespective of the temperature of the water you can lose weight by drinking adequate amounts of water. Apart from water exercise, diet, stress, and sleep are also important factors that are responsible for your weight.

Why am I not losing weight on a 1200 calorie diet?

If you're not losing weight despite following a 1200 calorie diet, it could be for any number of reasons. You might be underestimating how many calories you consume, the scale might be masking fat loss or you could be eating the calories you burn from exercise.眼睛乾澀改善

What food has no calories?

Zero Calorie Foods to Help You Slim Down
Celery. Celery is a food that when you eat it you don't really feel like you're eating anything, so it's not a total shocker to find out that it has essentially zero calories. ...
Oranges. ...
Cabbage. ...
Asparagus. ...
Beets. ...
Cucumber. ...
Lemons. ...
More items...

How to slim your stomach in 2 weeks?

Eat more fiber. Foods that are high in refined carbs and sugar don't actually tame your hunger, so you end up reaching for more. ...
Walk every day. If you don't have an established exercise routine, [walking is a pretty good entry point for people," says Gagliardi. ...
Begin strength training.

Posted by: longac at 05:24 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 573 words, total size 4 kb.

November 20, 2023

What exactly should I do about my aunt's acne, blackheads and breakouts?

Acne, also known as acne vulgaris, is treated differently in two ways: the

Non-inflammatory: blackheads, closed mouths

Clogged pores, where oil is not produced and mixes with old keratin, which then solidifies to form keratin plugs that clog/get stuck in the pores to form pimples, open pimples (blackheads) and closed pimples (occlusal).

Inflammatory type: pimples, pustules, nodules, etc.

If acne is infected and inflamed by bacteria,暗瘡消炎藥 it can develop into acne that begins as small, red, bumps, or pimples. As the inflammation gets worse, white or yellow pus develops in the center of the pimple and it becomes pustular acne. If the infection is deeper, the PUS does not penetrate deeper into the skin and protrudes into red, hard, painful pimples called nodular acne, and some severe infections continue to expand and develop into cystic acne, which may then leave dimpled, acne scars.

Acne is medically categorized into 3 degrees and 4 grades according to its severity, namely: mild (grade i): acne only; moderate (grade ii): inflammatory papules; moderate (grade iii): pustules appear; severe (grade iv): nodules and cysts.

Teenagers are really the main force of acne. Many children start to grow acne as soon as they enter puberty, mainly because the sebaceous glands secrete a lot of oil during puberty, which tends to block the pores and cause inflammation, and then become acne; if you are over 30 years old and are always plagued by "adult acne", it is often related to excessive stress, lack of sleep,暗瘡消炎藥 poor spleen and stomach, and muscle surface opacity. Postpartum women often have endocrine disorders, day and night with the baby's labor and stress can easily cause facial "acne". Especially around the time of menstruation, acne on the chin begins to erupt.

Different acne treatment research programs are not the same


The principle of treatment is to control oil, disinfection, anti-inflammatory. Mild acne patients can only be treated with topical medication, while moderate or severe acne patients should be treated with a combination of topical and oral medication.

Physical Therapy

Red and blue light treatment:

Mild to moderate lesions can be treated with red and blue light irradiation to kill Propionibacterium acnes and reduce inflammatory reactions. Photodynamic therapy:Used for severe patients, it eliminates Propionibacterium acnes, reduces inflammatory reaction and induces sebaceous gland cell death through the interaction of light and drugs.


Fruit Acid, Supramolecular Salicylic Acid, Complex Acid: It has the effect of removing emboli, anti-inflammatory and reducing sebum secretion,暗瘡消炎藥 which is effective for mild to moderate acne.


Intense pulsed light (photorejuvenation) has an anti-inflammatory effect and can be used to remove acne and acne marks in the inflammatory stage; fractional laser can effectively improve deeper acne pits.

Related articles:


How to scientific facial acne inflammation 3 ways to easily repair acne

Acne and why it must be anti-inflammatory!

Posted by: longac at 07:35 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 482 words, total size 4 kb.

December 29, 2022

Where is the difference between vacuum cleaners that sell for more than a hundred dollars and those that sell for thousands of dollars?

For many of you, the most important factor to consider when purchasing a vacuum cleaner for the first time is the price.

I struggled with this problem before I used a best vacuum for thick carpetvacuum cleaner; the price of vacuum cleaners on the market varies, from cheap 100 to expensive 4,000 to 5,000; what is the difference?

As a fan of home appliances, I've purchased several vacuum cleaners in the last two years, ranging in price from more than $100 to more than 2,000. Today, we'll go over the differences between these vacuum cleaners at various price points!


My family's first vacuum cleaner, which cost less than $200, felt good at first because it was easier to use than a broom for hygiene.

However, this seemingly inexpensive vacuum cleaner broke after less than a year, the company does not provide warranty, and I can only replace it with another one.

Later, I discovered that vacuum cleaners in the hundred dollar range use brushed motors, which are extremely inexpensive, costing about twenty dollars for a cheap one.

The brush motor is easily overheated during the working process, reducing the life of the vacuum cleaner and, over time, the natural "strike"!

The thousand dollar grade vacuum cleaner, which typically uses a brushless motor, not only has the advantages of low wear and tear, low energy consumption, durability, and reduced noise.

Suction strength

Suction power is the most important feature of a vacuum cleaner.

In general, if you want to meet the needs of daily household cleaning, the suction power of the vacuum cleaner should be greater than 100AW; however, some vacuum cleaners fall short of this requirement.

However, many businesses will use vacuum (pa) to confuse the concept; in the product details, the suction power is not mentioned, and many partners see tens of thousands of pa who believe the suction power is very strong when, in fact, it is not.

Filtering technology

Some vacuum cleaner filtration devices use sponge filters, which allow dust and hair to accumulate on top of the filter and cause secondary pollution.

I used to use this type of vacuum cleaner with a filter, and every time I cleaned the garbage in the dust bin, I could feel the dust floating in the air, which was a very unpleasant experience.


Some vacuum cleaners not only have low suction power, but they also only have a single function, usually only 1-2 brush heads that can only clean the ground waste.

Furthermore, their brush head design is very rough, with some having a large opening at the bottom and no roller brush.

Related article reading:

Scrubber and scrubbing vacuum cleaner in the end, which is good, because the results are clear at a glance after a thorough comparison.

Popular vacuum cleaner types include: 1 minute to explain how to select a vacuum cleaner!

Do you know what these vacuum cleaners are capable of?

Posted by: longac at 02:33 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 510 words, total size 4 kb.

June 08, 2022

Which is the best gateway for pa...

Which is the best gateway for payment?

The 7 Best Payment Gateways of 2022Best Overall: Authorize.Net.Runner-Up, gateway payment solutions Best Overall: Stripe.Best for Online Businesses: PayPal.Best for Brick-and-Mortar Businesses: Square.Best for Startups: Braintree.Best for Multiple Channels: WePay.Best for Selling Internationally: 2Checkout (now Verifone)

What are the payment gateways available?

Razorpay has become one of the top payment gateways of India. This online payment gateway accepts payment from customers and automates payout to vendors and employees. Debit cards, credit cards, net banking, UPI, and wallets like JioMoney, Mobikwik are accessed in Razorpay.

Which payment gateway is cheapest?

Cashfree has been getting popular because it is the cheapest payment gateway in India among the Indian payment gateway list. This payment gateway offers a fast payment service and an instant refund facility.

How do I setup a payment gateway?

Configuring a Payment GatewayClick your username at the top right and navigate to Settings > Payments > Setup Payment Gateway.Select the payment gateway from the Gateway Type drop-down.Click create gateway.Enter the required information for the selected gateway such as basic information, credentials, and rules.

Is Google pay a payment gateway?

Google Pay (also known as Google Tez or Pay with Google or Android Pay) is a digital wallet platform and online payment system developed by Google to power in-app and tap-to-pay purchases on mobile devices, enabling users to make payments with Android phones, tablets or watches.

Is PayPal a payment gateway?

The PayPal Commerce Platform gives you a payment gateway and payment processor all in one, making it simple to start selling. There are no set-up or monthly fees for PayPal Commerce Platform.

What is free payment gateway?

A Payment Gateway lets you securely accept payments from your customers via multiple payment modes. You can get started instantly with our quick integration process.

Is Visa a payment gateway?

It is an intermediary that assembles the online payment options offered by various banks, cash card brands and many other payment processors onto a single platform with minimum technical integration with merchant website.

Posted by: longac at 10:12 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 344 words, total size 3 kb.

March 19, 2022

Do a comprehensive medical examination, these 6 check-up items must be done, one can not be saved

What items are necessary to do a comprehensive physical examination?

1, to do a comprehensive physical examination, we need to check the endocrine system, through the endocrine system design can fully reflect the of students' physical and mental health. The endocrine system can be checked, including the three items of blood sugar, glycated hemoglobin and bone density. The normal blood glucose concentration is 80-120 mg%, and if it is not exceeded or below this value, the teacher needs to study the next examination. In addition, glycosylated hemoglobin can effectively reflect the level of blood glucose control management and is used to analyze the ability to determine whether diabetes is present. The middle-aged and elderly society needs to judge the degree of physical health education based on the detection of bone density.

2. Comprehensive examination includes blood system examination, which is generally routine blood examination. The routine blood test can be used to know whether there are blood diseases and to grasp the internal situation in the blood. In addition, changes in the number and morphology of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets can help determine the health status of the body.

Digestive system examinations are also essential. Gastroscopy, colonoscopy, abdominal ultrasound, liver function tests, and Helicobacter pylori tests can be performed to understand the health of the digestive system. Colonoscopy, gastroscopy and abdominal ultrasound are best for middle-aged and elderly people, through which they can determine whether there are problems in the stomach. In addition, liver function tests are routinely performed, mainly by the values of glutamic oxalacetic transaminase and glutamic alanine transaminase.

Figure 4. The cardiovascular system is subject to a thorough physical examination, and the health of the heart can be understood through an electrocardiogram. Generally speaking, if you live with frequent symptoms of chest discomfort, dizziness and sometimes discomfort in the precordial region, you need to have a timely ECG examination. ECG examination is an important test for cardiovascular health examination and diagnosis of various cardiac diseases.

5. A comprehensive physical examination needs to involve urinary system examination to understand the health status of the urinary system through routine urine and kidney function tests. The item that needs to be performed for middle-aged and elderly people is urine routine. By analyzing the composition of urine, we can know whether there are diseases in body organs. In addition, kidney function test is mainly through creatinine, uric acid and other values to know. If you have gout symptoms, you need to check the kidney function regularly.

6, respiratory management system is one of the must-check project techniques, through chest X-ray, lung CT, etc., to understand the patient's lung function analysis and other lung health development status, can detect early lung lesions or airway lesions. Especially we frequent smokers need a check respiratory control system to prevent respiratory research diseases.

In order to prolong your life, you need to have regular physical examinations and any physical abnormalities can be treated immediately. Since many diseases are easily treated in the early stages, they are usually difficult to cure in the advanced stages. Therefore, it is recommended to develop a good habit of regular medical check-ups in your life to protect your health.



Posted by: longac at 09:39 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 551 words, total size 4 kb.

March 12, 2022

UnionPay joins hands with banks ...

UnionPay unified online payment portal

Recently, China UnionPay and China unionpay credit card banks have jointly upgraded the electronic payment enterprise business of UnionPay on the basis of adhering to the research on the Quartet model. As a unified management portal for online transaction payment methods in my country, UnionPay brings together various forms of payment technology tools including bank APP, cloud QuickPass APP, mobile QuickPass, SRC payment and various wallet APPs, realizing the interconnection of online acceptance information networks. , to bring users a more efficient, convenient and diversified payment experience.

When consumers shop on various e-commerce platforms, such as home in jd. com, the himalayas, multipoint, the original life, daily excellent food, mcdonald's, hello travel, yonghui life, netease yanxuan, etc., just click the merchant cashier You can choose any of the above payment methods that suit you. After the first payment is successful, UnionPay will pay according to the user's current payment method. For the next payment, if the user needs to change the application, just press "Other Payment Methods" to return to the UnionPay payment option.

At present, China Construction Bank, China Merchants Bank, Ping An Bank, China Everbright Bank, China CITIC Bank, Industrial Bank, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, and Guangfa Credit Card APP have taken the lead in accessing UnionPay payment. In addition to the above-mentioned banks, other major commercial banks are stepping up their testing and will basically achieve full access within the year.

The new upgrade of UnionPay online payment not only enriches the Internet payment experience, but also provides users with new choices. It also improved the Quartet model of online payment and built a sustainable and win-win Internet payment ecosystem.

For users, while meeting their more payment needs, the continuous inclusive and profitable activities of UnionPay and banks will also allow more consumers to get real discounts.

For merchants, "China UnionPay" one-click access allows merchants to use a variety of payment tools, which not only reduces connection and acceptance costs, but also taps more potential users and increases revenue.

For a cashier, it only needs to access a unified interface to achieve comprehensive coverage of different payment schemes and payment methods, which helps the cashier to develop merchants and provide unified payment services.

From the bank's point of view, UnionPay's unified online payment portal can introduce more high-frequency online consumption scenarios for bank apps and increase the activity of bank apps. With its excellent payment services and financial technology capabilities, UnionPay provides banks with a unified online payment solution through standardized portal specifications, realizing a unified payment portal, unified payment process, and unified payment experience in bank apps. At the same time, UnionPay's rich and solid scene management capabilities will not only bring more online payment scenarios to banks, but also effectively help banks improve user stickiness and deepen users' brand perception of bank mobile payment.

Posted by: longac at 08:39 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 480 words, total size 4 kb.

March 03, 2022

Super delicious XO sauce seafood...

There are many kinds of noodle cooking in our country, and basically 蝦多士 belongs to the place of noodle, such as the more famous noodles are Zhajiang noodles, knife noodles, noodles, hot noodles and Lanzhou noodles, etc. These are the more famous Yida we know Noodles, pasta also has a long history in my country, and it is also the most traditional food in our country. Northerners love spaghetti, and most staples eat spaghetti, beef and lamb, which is why northerners are taller than southerners.

And the weather in northern my country is relatively cold, so our rice is not very suitable for planting in a northern region, but it is very suitable for wheat, so the pasta that can be made from wheat is the most suitable for me. Pasta culture is also very popular. Both northerners and southerners love to eat noodles. In addition, the teaching method of making noodles is also simple, and it tastes very rich and delicious, so they mainly teach you here. Make an XO sauce seafood product-flavored sauce noodles. The noodles are different from soup noodles. The sauces in the noodles are more thick and thick. After stirring, each noodle is coated with the sauce, and you can eat it with a big mouth. Very enjoyable.

Noodles with seafood flavor sauce in XO sauce

[Materials]: Appropriate amount of noodles, 65g clams, 55g shrimp, 6g olive oil, 15g cooking wine, 3 okra, 45g XO sauce seafood flavor, 55g squid whiskers, 4 slices ginger, and some green onions.

【Production steps】

The first step is to take out all the prepared materials and put them in a container technology for use. The clams should be soaked for 2 hours in advance to let them spit sand.

The second step, prepare a steamer, steam the noodles in the steamer for 5 minutes, then take it out.

The third step, take out the steamed noodles, put an appropriate amount of boiling water into the basin, put the noodles in the boiling water, wait for 1 minute to remove.

The fourth step, take out the noodles, put them into a bowl, add olive oil, and blow with a fan while stirring.

The fifth step, the noodles that can be made in this way will have distinct roots and will not stick together.

The sixth step, remove the shrimp shell, head, and shrimp line, and then cut the squid beard into slices and set aside.

Step 7: Blanch the okra, then soak in cold water.

The eighth step, put an appropriate amount of water in the pot, and add ginger, green onion and cooking wine to the pot.

Step 9: Put the processed clams, squid whiskers, and shrimp into the pot and blanch.

The tenth step, when cooking, you can see that the Chinese clams have no openings and can be fished out.

Step 11, remove the okra, cut into small pieces and remove all materials.

Step 12: Put the cooked noodles in a bowl, add the XO sauce, and put all the ingredients in the bowl, so you can enjoy!

Posted by: longac at 02:42 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 516 words, total size 3 kb.

December 28, 2021

Choose a seat that suits your ba...

high chair may be one of the most important things you buy for your baby. In addition to supporting your child safely while eating, the high chair is also a good place to read or sing to your child, or to place them when you need to run to the bathroom, because it can keep your child safe and immobile.

There are many things to consider when buying a high chair. Do you want a high chair that grows up with your child because he learns to sit on an adult table and sit alone? Do you want a high chair that fits the rest of your home? Best Baby High Chair that you don’t have one at home Enough space can free up space. Is space your biggest concern? Do you have multiple children and need an easy-to-clean high chair? Remember, high chairs may appear for you when you eat Every cute picture taken by the child, so with the functionality of the furniture, you may also want it to be something you don’t mind looking at. Below, we revolve around the best high chairs for any occasion.

This beautiful high chair covers every basic need of your child. The Abiie Beyond wooden high chair is designed to convert a traditional high chair into a toddler chair, and finally into a normal dining chair. It is made of attractive microbial mosquito repellent wood and can be adjusted in 20 seconds or less. Even better, the design of the chair makes it easy to clean. The anti-fouling pad that keeps your baby comfortable and safe is waterproof and can be cleaned with a damp cloth. The clear plastic tray is dishwasher safe.

Posted by: longac at 09:22 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 289 words, total size 2 kb.

September 08, 2021

Hair loss is terrible when you a...

Emotion is an important factor leading to hair loss:

Many people think that good or bad mood is not important, so you are wrong. You must know that keeping a happy mood every day is the basis of good health. Instead, if you leave yourself in negative emotions for a long time, it will increase hair loss, especially common alopecia areata.

What is alopecia areata? Alopecia areata is more common in adolescents, both in men and women. According to the condition of alopecia areata, if all the hair has fallen off, it is called total baldness, and if only the whole body has fallen off, it is called general baldness.

If the hair is on the scalp, some areas are hair loss, loose hair, and mood is an important factor leading to alopecia areata.

So, if everyone wants to avoid hair loss, it is important to keep a happy mood every day.

Frequent scratching of hair is an important factor leading to hair loss:

Among the important factors that cause hair loss, scratching also requires special attention, especially women who like to wear a lot of braids, high ponytails, nails are too sharp when washing hair, it is easy to irritate the scalp, cause the scalp to become fragile, and 脂溢性脫髮.

It is recommended that when protecting the scalp, it is recommended that you try to protect the barrier tissue of the scalp. When choosing a comb, you can use a wooden comb to reduce the irritation to the scalp; the hair should be in a distributed state to avoid binding the scalp and causing unnecessary hair loss. ; Use non-irritating hair care products.

Malnutrition is an important cause of hair loss

Some people don’t understand why malnutrition is also a factor in hair loss. In fact, the reason is very simple, because hair is also a sign of physical health. For example, dry hair, irritability, and yellowing may indicate insufficient nutrition in the body.

Instead, a balanced diet and reasonable supplementation of nutrients, such as high-quality protein, dietary fiber, vitamin B, and a variety of minerals needed by hair, can promote the production of melanin particles in the hair follicle to a certain extent, which is beneficial to the black hair. form.

Posted by: longac at 06:16 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 380 words, total size 2 kb.

August 24, 2021

Is only 20 platelets life-threat...

The normal platelet count is between (125-350)×109/L. Is it serious when the blood routine report reduces the single platelet to only 20? Will it be life-threatening...

The consequences of platelets as low as 20

The main function of platelets is to stop bleeding and normal platelet count blood. When the platelet value is lower than 100, it means thrombocytopenia, and when the platelet value is lower than 50, there is a risk of bleeding. Therefore, when the platelet value is as low as 20, it means that platelets are severely reduced, and severe bleeding symptoms such as skin and mucosal bleeding, hematuria, and hemoptysis will occur. patients cannot work and live normally, and severe cases may even cause cerebral hemorrhage and endanger their lives.

How long can platelets be as low as 20?

There are many reasons for a low platelet count, and the number of platelets depends on the underlying disease that caused the low platelet count.

Simple thrombocytopenia: platelets as low as 20, increase the risk of bleeding. Long-term survival can be achieved through treatment.

It is also called primary thrombocytopenic purpura or idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. As long as the patient is given timely and effective treatment and the patient's condition is effectively controlled, he can work and live like normal people and survive for a long time.

Aplastic anemia: The platelets caused by aplastic anemia can be reduced, and timely and effective treatment is very important. The survival period of patients with aplastic anemia will continue to increase. If our treatment effect is not good, the patient's survival period will be shortened. .

â‘£Acute leukemia or other malignant tumors: This type of disease has a rapid onset and obvious symptoms. The average survival period is only about three months. If the treatment effect is not good, the patient's survival period is relatively short.

Hyperactivity of the spleen function: The platelets caused by the hyperactivity of the splenic system can be reduced. After the spleenectomy is performed, the platelet passing value will be restored after the body is healthy and recovered.

Whether the number of platelets is as low as 20 can not be cured is mainly due to the primary disease that causes thrombocytopenia. Therefore, patients with thrombocytopenia should go to the hematology department of a regular hospital for treatment in time. Definitely diagnose the development of the primary disease that causes thrombocytopenia and its important reasons, and carry out an active and effective treatment to improve the platelets rationally and effectively, and the patient can achieve long-term survival.

How to treat platelets as low as 20?

Low platelet count is guided by Chinese medicine and supported by Western medicine. Special preparations are combined with Chinese medicine decoctions, and a diagnosis and treatment plan is formulated according to the patient's course of illness.

For patients with severe thrombocytopenia such as thrombocytopenia to 20 and severe bleeding, emergency treatment measures such as hormone, immunoglobulin infusion, and platelet suspension infusion are taken, and then traditional Chinese medicine is the main treatment.

Posted by: longac at 07:14 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 507 words, total size 4 kb.

August 13, 2021

The test strategy for electric v...

1. Application conditions

Owners of electric vehicles with over-standard licenses must meet the relevant conditions and carry relevant materials before they can enter the test.

The application requirements are: 18 years old but less than 70 years old, in line with the physical conditions and requirements motorcycle cub 125cc by the law;

For the initial application, you need to submit the medical examination form, the applicant's identity certificate, 6 one-inch white photos and other materials.

2. How to test?

Car owners need to train at the designated driving school; after the training, go to the local car management office to make an appointment for an exam. There are three subjects, and the examination fee is 335 yuan, of which training fee is 100 yuan (collected by the driving school), the examination fee is 225 yuan, and the cost of production is 10 yuan. Citizens can apply for a three-month test at a driving school with training qualifications. If they pass the exam, they can get a moped driver's license (F certificate).

In addition, holders of D, E, F certificates do not need to take an exam. Drivers who already hold a three-wheeled motorcycle driver's license (d certificate), an ordinary two-wheeled motorcycle driver's license (e license), and a moped driver's license (f license) do not need to apply for the test, but they can drive electric bicycles beyond the standard. However, a driver with a moped driver's license (F license) cannot drive ordinary two-wheeled motorcycles and three-wheeled motorcycles.

Citizens who hold D, E, and F certificates but have not had an annual review for more than three years and have their driver's license cancelled need to take a test. If the holder of the certificate is not sure whether the certificate is valid, he can go to the vehicle management office for inquiries. If the system displays "Normal", there is no need to take the exam again; if it displays "Logout", you can resume, and you only need to take the subject one exam; if it displays "Cancel", you will take the exam again.

Three, what to test?

Subject 1: Road safety laws and regulations and related knowledge. paper test paper, 50 questions, 45 minutes, full score of 100 points, 90 points qualified.

Subject 2: Field Skills Test (pile test, ramp fixed-point parking and start, passing a unilateral bridge), with a full score of 100, and a score of 80 is considered a pass.

Posted by: longac at 08:33 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 409 words, total size 3 kb.

August 06, 2021

How to get a scholarship in coll...

Many people are very concerned about university scholarshipss in college. Today, I will also talk to you about scholarships in college!

Generally, people who have just entered college are more confused about their future school life and have no set goals. If you really have no goals, then take the scholarship as the overall goal! It is likely that the scholarship will become the first bucket of gold in your life path!

First of all, to get a scholarship there is a most most basic criteria, that is, must not fail the subject. If you fail, then you have to get a scholarship in that one academic year is only a matter of thought. The most important thing is to make sure that you don't fail a class, so I can talk to you about how you can get a scholarship.

Scholarships are divided into national and university level. The national level has national scholarship and national classic inspirational scholarship, the amount of national scholarship is 8000 yuan, the amount of national classic inspirational scholarship is 5000 yuan. At the school level, it depends on the amount set by each institution, like our school, the first-class scholarship is 2000 yuan, the second-class scholarship is 1000 yuan, and the third-class scholarship is 600 yuan, the amount is still able to count. So how can we get this kind of scholarship?

Today, we will talk about school-level scholarships with the guys!

The first thing you should do is to get to know the criteria for school-level scholarships. The standard of each institution will be established in the student handbook, but most of them will be similar, that is, based on the comprehensive assessment of each student to identify. The most important thing is that you will be able to get a scholarship if you rank in the top 30% of your class in the comprehensive assessment.

If the scholarship is based on the comprehensive assessment, then how can we improve our own comprehensive assessment scores?

There are two main levels of achievement here.

First, hard work and learning. Do not fall behind in the professional knowledge of the textbook, and strive to get a higher grade in each subject. In college, it is easier to get higher grades than in a normal high school. Because in college, you do not need to brush a lot of questions, if you lecture listen attentively, after class practice to write a practice problem in the book. Exam before and then prepare for the exam preparation, write a previous year's exam questions, then your final results are not easy exams can pass very poorly, because you will find the final exam topics and books are very similar, and even can test the real questions oh!

Second, more participation in some of the more highly recognized competitions, such as subject competitions, independent entrepreneurship innovation competition, Challenge Cup these. This kind of high recognition competition in your final identification scholarship is also able to add many points. And, if you have been in this kind of competition to get better results, is also able to have reward money Oh! Therefore, it is necessary to learn more professional skills when you have nothing to do during practice hours after school!

So to get a school-level scholarship, either you have a good technical major, or you have participated in more competitions, or you are better at both levels. See if this has the feeling that it is actually easier to get a scholarship or not!

Posted by: longac at 07:59 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 592 words, total size 4 kb.

July 30, 2021

Wearable work pressure sensitive...

In recent years, the use of wearable sensor devices has become a part of everyone's daily life. For example, devices such as smart bracelets can be used to monitor the body's movement and fitness effects, such as heart rate, sleep quality and fitness exercises.

But technological developments have opened up a lot of possibilities for monitoring the physical and mental health of patients. Sensors can now be applied to wearable or portable devices to accurately measure key health indicators in the blood night, such as metabolic substances, O2 or the level of healing drugs. This gives patients a simple way to perform continuous, less invasive, instant tests at home for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. Having that kind of system software would greatly jeopardize patient and provider requirements, thereby reducing the need for frequent hospital visits and incentivizing compliance with medical treatment.

One such sensing device is designed to respond to small shifts in body pressure, allowing for more sensitive and continuous detection of physical effects such as pulse rate, blood pressure values, respiratory rate, and even small shifts in vocal cord polyp vibration in a high aspect ratio. The pressure-sensitive device is made into an adhesive tape and subsequently added to the skin at a single pulse point on the wrist or head and neck. The precise measurement of this physics can be as simple as applying the sensor to the skin and then submitting the collected data information for remote connection by the physician.

The pressure-sensitive device should be made of a material that has excellent ductility and physical properties. The material should also be compatible with the skin surface and conform very well to the skin surface. Over the past decade, a variety of natural and composite materials have been tested, but their physical properties have not been found to be the best.


The different types of gel-like raw materials, called hydrogels, give exceptional process performance for pressure-sensitive devices, but present a number of challenges: water evaporation, lack of structure and lack of scale, and economic development of efficient manufacturing methods.

A collaborative team consisting of an elite team from Terasaki's Biomedical Engineering Innovation Laboratory has already devised solutions to the challenges that occur when building wearable pressure-sensitive sensors. The team selected a hydrogel based on pectin because of its excellent malleability, skin compatibility and low cost. It also gives a way to adjust its malleability, constructional properties and working pressure sensitivity by changing its production method and concentration values of its components. These hydrogels have the added benefit of being light-transmissive when dry and solid, making them attractive as wearable microbial sensors.

The elite team conducted general experiments to raise the bar on what was needed to make a hydrogel with the desired properties. They then assembled it together with fully transparent electrical device components into a completely transparent strip, including the hydrogel layer embedded in it.

"The development we have obtained at the hydrogel sensor level allows everyone to succeed in getting rid of the challenges generated by previous diligence," said Dr. Seiming Zhang, a doctoral student who is part of the elite team of scientific research at Terasaki Research Laboratory."" This will enhance the application of pressure-sensitive devices in many likely diagnostic and therapeutic applications, which include not only the continuous detection of blood pressure values, pulse rate and heartbeat counts, but also the precise measurement of vocal fold polyp vibrations and their early detection of rattling and swallowing difficulties."

To improve the overall durability of the final product and to avoid water evaporation from the hydrogel layer, the elite team enhanced other processes throughout the manufacturing process: organic chemical solutions for the components to improve compressive strength, and strategic dry fixing of the hydrogel layer to best integrate with the surrounding electrical components.

wearable medical products

In another distinctive process in the manufacturing process, a surface of the hydrogel layer was molded into a grid pattern consisting of pyramidal protrusions, which facilitated the working pressure sensitivity of the finished sensor. According to the experiments the size and spacing of such projections to obtain the best results were able to enhance this effect.

The working group carried out general tests on the sensor and the results showed that the whole manufacturing process successfully solved the difficulties of water evaporation and lack of structure in a solid way. In addition, the sensor can accurately measure the working pressure shift with higher sensitivity and consistency, and can be manufactured with higher cost effectiveness and scalability compared to previously observed sensors.

Posted by: longac at 07:27 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 758 words, total size 5 kb.

July 21, 2021

How - and When - You are able to...

Listening to your unborn baby’s heartbeat for that 1st time is a thing you will never forget. An ultrasound can select up this stunning audio as early because the 6th 7 days, so you can listen to it that has a fetal Doppler as early as 12 months.

But imagine if you should listen to your baby’s heartbeat at home? Could you utilize a stethoscope or yet another machine? Of course - here’s how.

When can you detect a baby’s heartbeat by using a stethoscope?

The nice news is by the point you obtain to the specific level as part of your pregnancy, you really do not must await your following prenatal pay a visit to at your OB-GYN’s business to hear your baby’s heartbeat. It is feasible to hear the heartbeat in the home using a stethoscope.

Sad to say, you can’t listen to it as early while you can by having an fetal doppler. Which has a stethoscope, a baby’s heartbeat is commonly detectable in between the 18th and twentieth 7 days.

Stethoscopes are developed to amplify small sounds. It's a upper body piece that connects to some tube. The chest piece captures the audio, and then the audio travels up the tube to your earpiece.

The place do you obtain a stethoscope?

Stethoscopes are extensively obtainable, and that means you never have to function inside the clinical field to acquire one particular. They’re sold at healthcare supply retailers, drug retailers, and on the web.

Nonetheless, have in mind that not all stethoscopes are produced equal. When buying for one, study assessments and solution descriptions to be sure you receive a product that actually works for you.

You'd like a stethoscope with great acoustic and audibility quality, also as a single that’s lightweight to ensure it’s cozy all-around your neck. The scale with the tube also matters. Usually, the larger the tube, the more quickly the seem can vacation to the earpiece.

Posted by: longac at 02:37 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 333 words, total size 2 kb.

July 13, 2021

The woman "down there" is always...

A woman's private parts are fragile and sensual, and the degree of moisturization can affect the life of a couple. However, many women complain about vaginal dryness, which seriously affects the experience of married life. So do you know why the vagina is dry? Now, let's make it clear.

1. Gynecological inflammation.

In fact, once women suffer from gynecological inflammation, it will easily lead to vaginal dryness. For example, during the couple's life, the vagina will be congested with mucous membrane due to inflammation, and the secretion will be reduced, leading to vaginal dryness.


2. Endocrine disorder.

Many women will have vaginal dryness at the age of thirty or ten, which is very annoying. In fact, it may be caused by endocrine disorder. It is important to know that human functions will keep declining after the age of 35. Women experience vaginal dryness due to insufficient vaginal secretion or estrogen secretion, and their ovarian function and endocrine function will also decrease.

Third, excessive cleaning.

Why does it cause vaginal dryness? In fact, it may be that you are over-cleaning. Many women listen to TV commercials for many reasons and are too gullible, so they frequently use various vaginal washes for cleaning and even irrigation. However, when you over-clean, the vaginal flora is destroyed and the acid-base imbalance leads to vaginal infection and vaginal dryness.

Four months after childbirth

Many women suffer from vaginal dryness after childbirth, which is caused by physical fatigue, their lack of desire to live their lives, and breastfeeding. The increased secretion of prolactin affects the secretion of estrogen, which leads to a decrease in estrogen levels and leads to vaginal dryness.

These are some of the causes of vaginal dryness, do you belong to this condition? It is not difficult to improve vaginal dryness. If it is not due to disease, pay more attention to the hygiene of your private parts in daily life, use warm water to wash and do not use various gynecological lotions. You can also take some endocrine-regulating foods. If the vaginal dryness is caused by disease, you should actively treat it!

Posted by: longac at 07:14 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 357 words, total size 3 kb.

June 29, 2021

So that the elderly will no long...

(A) How to make the bed for the bedridden elderly

1. Close the windows and doors, remove the tables and chairs next to the bed. If the disease condition is approved, put the bedroom bed right, which is conducive to complete cleanup.

2. Help the elderly flip to the other side, loosen the near side of the bed sheet, with a bed brush from the bedroom bed to the foot of the bed to sweep the crumbs on the bed sheet, should pay attention to the pillow into the elderly across the layers completely swept clean, and then the bed sheet will be pulled flat, help the elderly flip to lie on the side of the sweep clean. Turn to the other side of the method above the level of clean-up, and get flat sheets laid.

3. Comb the cover over, flatten the quilt, and cover it for the elderly.

4. Take out the pillow insert and put it under the head of the elderly.

(B) how to remove and change bed sheets for the bedridden elderly

1. Consider closing the windows and doors as appropriate, and remove the tables and chairs next to the bed.

2, put the elderly, assist the elderly to sleep on the side of the bed, back to the health care workers. Pillow insert with the elderly to the other side.

3、Turn the stained bed sheet into a roll. Tuck in the elderly under the span, sweep the crumbs on the mattress.

4, will clean the bed sheet laid on one side of the bed (within the face), iterative seam center line and the bed center line aligned at both ends, will be on the full width of the roll stuffed under the elderly span, near the side of the full width from the bedroom bed, the foot of the bed, right in the middle, in turn, track flat taut stuffed into the mattress under the mattress, assist the elderly side sleep on the clean sheet, facing the medical care, turn to the other side, the stained sheet from the bedroom bed to the foot side of the bed rolled and pulled out, then the clean sheet flattened, the same method as above, assist the elderly to take the supine.

5, cover the quilt, flatten, so that the elderly comfortable lying flat.

6, one hand holding the head and neck of the elderly, the other hand quickly take off the pillow insert, remove and replace the pillowcase, to the elderly pillow good.

(C) how to support the bedridden elderly to move to the bedroom bed

1, put the chair back frame, take off the pillow core on the chair, so that the elderly lying flat, flexing the knees;

2, the health care provider an arm into the old man under the shoulders, an arm to hold the old man's buttocks, in the outreach of the elderly and at the same time, the elderly with two hands to hold the bedroom bed guardrail, and specific guidance to the elderly with both feet against the bed lunge shift. Put back the pillow core, and then support up the chair back frame, so that the elderly lie flat and comfortable.

(D) how to support the bedridden elderly to turn over

1, lying elderly to one side of the flip, first make the elderly hands on the abdominal cavity, both legs bent knees, medical care provider an upper arm into the abdomen of the elderly, the other arm into its under the femur, with the energy of the arm, the elderly quickly out, move near the edge of the bed, with the same time turn to the other side.

2、Extend the head and shoulders of the elderly and turn to the other side, place a soft pillow on the back of the elderly to maintain the posture, put a soft pillow on the chest, apply the upper arm to make the elderly comfortable.

3、Bend the upper leg of the elderly to the front, the lower leg slightly bent, the middle of the two knees, padded with soft pillows to avoid mutual stress and friction between the two legs.

(E) the bedridden elderly oral health care

Usually there are a variety of microbial strains parasitic inside the mouth. The temperature inside the mouth, environmental humidity and ingredients of the sediment, are suitable for the growth and development of microbial strains breeding, in all normal conditions, the human body has a certain resistance, because the saliva in the lysozyme antibacterial effect, brush teeth rinse, gargle cleaning, drinking water and meals and other mechanical equipment efficacy, the germs have a certain elimination effect, so very little disease. The elderly human body resistance becomes weak, laryngeal cavity metabolism decreases, lysozyme bacterial inhibitory effect decreases, for the oral cavity inside the many reproduction of germs led to the resource advantage. This time the germs increase, dissolve glycogen, alcohol, acid production efficacy, if you do not pay attention to oral health, not only very easy to produce oral odor and oral ulcers, endanger food rinse and digestion and absorption, and even oral infection can cause mumps and other diseases, so the oral health care is very important.

1. Equipment: a medical forceps, cotton balls, tongue depressor (or bamboo chopsticks instead), mouthwash cleaning solution (common saline, 1: 5000 furacilin or 3% boric acid solution).

2. way: let the elderly sleep on their side, facing the health care provider, with tongue depressor gently top open the cheek, with medical forceps to take and put mouthwash cotton, from the inside to type outside, along the teeth of the vertical wipe clean both inside and outside the teeth, teeth occlusal surface, tongue, oral mucosa, hard palate, etc., after washing, assist the elderly to rinse clean, wipe the face. If the oral mucosa has ulcers, can be sprinkled with tin type dispersion or Qing Dai dispersion. If there are movable dentures, should assist the elderly to remove, wash with cool water, let the elderly rinse clean and put on.

(F) How to help the elderly to suck sputum

Elderly sick people who are bedridden for a long time are very prone to upper respiratory tract infections and lung infections due to their declining health, weak cough and thick sputum. Sometimes mucous phlegm congestion can't be coughed out, which can lead to oozing and breathlessness, and even endanger life. Therefore, maintaining a smooth respiratory system can reduce respiratory morbidity.

1, moderate to drink more water; diet with taste light as the main; prevent cold, prevent the flu.

2, often change the body parts, patting the back on time. Especially in the morning and evening before the patient paroxysmal cough, motivate patients to do deep inhalation, to facilitate the coughing out of phlegm.


3, steam inhalation: pour boiling water into a cup or a tea jar equipped with Chinese herbs such as yellow chrysanthemum, Shou Guo, Luo Han Guo, etc., and inhale hot steam from mouth to cup for 15 to 30 minutes each time, 2-4 times a day, which can moisten the throat, dilute liquid phlegm and benefit suction.

4, simple electric attractor: suitable for phlegm congestion, with a thicker sterilization sterilization urinary catheter connected to a 200ml injection needle, one end of the urinary catheter into the patient's oral cavity deep inside, suck out the phlegm; another set a bowl of cold water, anytime and anywhere to clean the urinary catheter, to avoid sticky phlegm obstruction.

5, the patient suddenly sticky sputum obstruction, endangering inhalation, to race against time, immediately wrapped up with a handkerchief or sand cloth ring finger, reach to the patient's throat, take out the sputum; or mouth professional to mouth suck out the sputum.

(G) how to rub for bedridden elderly

1. utensils: clean clothes pants, large towels, boiling water, pure water bucket, towels, soap, wash basin.

2. way: close the windows and doors, remove the tables, chairs and benches, holding three-quarters of a basin of boiling water, loosely off the cover quilt, the large towel half pad half cover in the elderly scrubbing position, first with a wet towel, followed by a towel dipped in soap scrubbing, and then change the wet towel constantly wipe clean, and then wipe with a large towel. Scrubbing position in the following order.

(1) loosen off the collar, to the elderly to wash the eyes, nose, face, ears, head and neck, pay attention to cleaning the back of the ears.

(2) take off the elderly jacket (soak the healthy side of the body and mind first, then wash the affected side), scrub both arms. Pay attention to washing the underarm part. Assist the elderly to sleep on their side, facing the health care provider, place the wash basin on a large towel on the side of the bed and wash both hands for the elderly.

(3) lift the waistband of the elderly pants, scrub the chest and abdomen, pay attention to the chest into the navel, assist the elderly to turn the plate, scrub the back and buttocks.

(4) remove the sports pants, scrub both legs, both sides of the abdomen and femur, perineum. Move the basin under the feet, a large towel on the side of the bed, wash both feet and put on the jeans.

(5) Make up the bed, remove and change the sheets as necessary, and remove common objects.

Posted by: longac at 06:46 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 1562 words, total size 10 kb.

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